Our Services

Our Services

We offer an extensive range of services, from installation to upgrades. Safety is our number one priority. We work safely and strive to create a safe environment for every client. We never cut corners or take shortcuts. Your satisfaction is our only priority. 


For electrical services, you need to know that you're in the right hands, here at Manta Electrical Services you can rest easy knowing you have the best electricians for the job.

Air Conditioning

Here at Manta Electrical Services we work with the biggest and best Air-Conditioner manufacturers so you know that what you're getting is quality.


Solar is a great solution for cutting down electricity bills, we have performed many installations for heaps of satisfied customers.


Email - mantaelec@gmail.com
Phone - 0419 160 414


QLD Contractors Licence - 66863
NSW Contractors Licence - 1602290
CEC Accreditation - A5508474
Arctick Licence - L126622


3 Eddy Avenue Kingscliff NSW 2487
Mail - PO Box 1417 Kingscliff NSW 2487

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